Our Position on a Moonlighting "Reunion" and on the Moonlighting DVD Campaign
Psssst--we want them BOTH!
(Updated December 29, 2004)
DavidandMaddie.com would of course enjoy a feature film, tv special, or any other form of more Moonlighting reuniting Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis. However, if this is EVER going to happen, the only feasible way might be AFTER the DVD's are released and the industry sees how much interest there acutally is for the show. In addition, we would love to see the original Moonlighting episodes back on the air on a cable channel in the U.S.A. and hope this too happens real soon.
It is very important that all of you visiting this site encourage Lions Gate Entertainment in releasing all the episodes on DVD DavidandMaddie.com supports the Moonlighting DVD Campaign and encourages you to participate. This site is closely affiliated with the DVD campaign and for all you who write in thanking us for this site, the one thing you can do to help us out the most is participate in the DVD campaign. So hustle on over to the Moonlighting DVD Campaign Website, take care of business and then hurry back over here. Be sure to stop by the DVD messageboard and leave a comment about your wish list for the DVD release. And while you are at it, post a comment or two on Lions Gate forum on behalf of the Moonlighting DVD release.
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Here is DavidandMaddie.com's official statement concerning our involvement in the current Reunion Campaign:
The Webmaster of DavidandMaddie.com is pro-reunion, but this site is no longer carrying content or announcements concerning the reunion campaign. Our efforts are toward promoting the current Moonlighting DVD campaign. Anyone wishing to inquire about DavidandMaddie.com's affiliation with the Reunion Campaign may do so direct to me at Webmaster@DavidandMaddie.com. DavidandMaddie.com has from the beginning supported a reunion campaign and will continue to do so and believe that the most important thing this site can do is keep fans talking about and interested in "Moonlighting." Having the series Moonlighting on DVD would keep Moonlighting in the public eye and so we believe our most important task is continuing to provide fresh content and a place for the fans to go online. We are attempting to collect a definitve collection of pictures, information, analyses, background details, interviews, articles, etc. on the original series. Keeping the fans interested and united is the best way to promote the both the DVD and the Reunion Campaigns in our opinion. |
My advice to a fan is
to visit and participate in all things Moonlighting on the web.
Go visit as many Moonlighting sites as you can; the more "Moonlighting" in your life, the better, right? And be sure to let the Moonlighting site owners know you appreciate the ones who are supporting the DVD campaign actively by displaying the banner, promoting the DVD campaign and encouraging persons to visit the DVD campaign site.
No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it. ~~ H.E. Luccock