Moonlighting With

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Members of Moonlighting's cast, writing staff and crew
discuss the legendary chemistry

Couple chemistry of Maddie and DavidWhen one looks at screen couples there are actually several factors that go into creating the magic known as chemistry. First and most importantly, there are the two actors and what they bring to the characters. The interaction between the two individuals and what we see/hear/feel on their faces, in their voices and by their physical actions are all part of this. I call this aspect of chemistry, the personal. Then there are specific techniques of the industry, the constructed aspects of the scene that come into play. This includes the dialogue that has been written, the camera work, the lighting, the costuming, the music, the setting and so on--all created elements in the scene outside of the actors. I call this aspect, the crafted.

To have the magic that you do on "Moonlighting" BOTH aspects are important: Bruce & Cybill had incredible chemistry together AND the crew did an exemplary job of accentuating it. This page is divided into comments based on these two designations....the personal chemistry between the actors and the crafted aspects.

Text © 2003, Cindy Klauss. All rights reserved.

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It is just a labor of love and is for entertainment purposes only.
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